Clan Maxwell Society is a vibrant group of individuals who share an interest in exploring and preserving the wonderful and unique Scottish heritage of the Maxwells and their allied and dependent families. Indeed, we have a vast and rich heritage to preserve. From the Maxwells’ legendary exploits at Caerlaverock Castle, to their leadership in the Borders as hereditary Wardens of the West March, to their cultural leadership in the Glasgow area, our ancestors left us a colorful history of which we can be very proud. It is a privilege for us to carry their tradition forward, whether researching their past exploits or gathering with members of today’s family under the Maxwell banner.
Clan Maxwell Society is not about the Maxwell name alone, however; it is also relevant to descendants of those families who were allied with the Maxwells in Scotland, or, for that matter, to anyone with an interest in the history and culture of Scotland.
Whether or not you are descended from any of the families within the House of Maxwell, if you have an interest in learning more about that history, I invite you to join our growing organization. We started with a handful of kinfolk in 1964, and today our membership stretches around the world and is open to anyone. You can keep current with news and research through our newsletter and website; if your interest is strictly genealogical, we have a Clan Genealogist who can assist you. With fascinating projects underway and an ever-expanding schedule of opportunities to gather for fun and fellowship, membership is too good to miss!
— Stephen Maxwell, President
As a Society member, you not only help to preserve and promote traditional Scottish culture and heritage you also pass on the unique traditions and history of the Clan Maxwell. Benefits include:
• Our quarterly newsletter
• Our Membership Directory
• Access to Officers & Commissioners
• Access to the Genealogy Database
• Clan Gatherings and more!
Clan Maxwell Society Membership
Susan McBrayer, GA — Full Maxwell
Stephen Horte, GA — Full Maxwell
Members of the Clan Maxwell Society, as a body, have voted to accept proposed changes to the Society’s bylaws. View these changes here.
Also passing the vote was Mark Maxwell; reelected as one of four Vice Presidents, and Sarah Ominski; who has become our newly elected Secretary.
The page(s) listed below have been recently added or updated. We thought you might want to take a look. Enjoy the reading at your pleasure.
• More Maxwell History — New
• A Brief History of the Maxwells
• Maxwell’s and Caerlaverock Castle
• Documents and Materials
• Historic Sites With Maxwell Ties
• The Border Reivers
Most festivals are known for their Highland Games. However, there’s a good chance you will encounter some excellent Scottish and Irish dancers, bag-pipers, and drummers as well. Also, let’s not forget to mention the large variety of Celtic music one hears around the event grounds. It’s sure to get your legs a moving and your toes a tapping. And while we’re on that subject, you really should ‘move your feet’ when it comes time to watch the March of the Clans. Although many may not be able to display their tartan in full traditional Scottish dress, spectators and participants alike take great pride in the presentation of their family’s ancestral name.
As the event pushes on, somewhere between here and there, you might just happen across one or more kinfolk in historical character-play, a warrior demonstrating his skills with weaponry, or a merchant who specializes in wood or metalcraft. And speaking of merchants, you should certainly count on visiting all of the great clothing vendors, and the others who sell specialty goods like custom jewelry, art, soaps, decorations and so much more. Oh yes! And there’s always lots of food and drink [and perhaps a few adult libations] to please your palate.
The photo above was taken during the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, held July 6th through the 9th of 2017. The Maxwell’s and many other clans gathered from all around to display their Scottish pride as they participated in the Grand March of the Clans.
President — Stephen Maxwell
Editor — [email protected]
Secretary — Lynn Maxwell
Membership — Renee Kirkland
Webmaster — Tony Lee Damigo
The Clan Maxwell Society is proud to be a member of the Council Of Scottish Clans and Associations, Inc.
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